ADA Intensive Diabetes Management - 7th Edition
ADA Intensive Diabetes Management - 7th Edition
Intensive diabetes management is the process by which blood glucose levels are closely controlled using multiple daily insulin injections or an insulin pump. Now in its seventh edition, Intensive Diabetes Management is geared toward the health care practitioner who wants to implement this method in his or her patients. This books offers the information clinicians need to help each person move toward treatment goals appropriate for their individual skills and medical conditions. For those striving to deliver intensive therapy, this is the essential guide.
Topics Include:
- Rationale/Physiological Basis
- Team Approach
- Education
- Psychosocial Issues
- Monitoring
- Goals of Therapy
- Insulin Regimens
- Insulin Pump Therapy
- Nutrition Management
ADA's Intensive Diabetes Management, 7th edition, has been updated to cover the latest advances in medical research, incorporating new insights into diabetes and how they impact this particular treatment. In addition, the data, guidelines, and procedures have been revised to reflect the newest positions of the American Diabetes Association's standards of care.